Our Programs
Montessori Curriculum
Freeing Potential. Preparing for Life.
At Montessori @ Home Independent School, we pride ourselves on offering a seamless and comprehensive educational journey from infancy to adolescence, ensuring continuity, consistency, and interconnectedness at every stage.
Our internationally recognized, robust curriculum follows a vertically grouped format, allowing children to progress effortlessly from one program to the next. From our nurturing Nido (3 months to 15 months) to Toddlers (15 months to 3 years), Preschool (3 – 6 years), and the dynamic Elementary curriculum (6 years – exit), each stage builds upon the foundational principles of Montessori education while challenging students to reach new heights of academic excellence and personal growth.
Through this cohesive approach, students experience a sense of continuity and belonging, fostering a deep appreciation for cooperation and mutual respect.